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공지: 보이드리얼리티 베타 서비스가 시작 됐습니다. (2025-03-09 13:13:36)

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159 GPLv3 에도 웹 서비스 시에 공개 의무는 없는거 같기도 하고 classical 2024-12-30 20:19:38 255
classical | 2024-12-30 20:19:38 | 255 hits

There are minor differences in the GNU GPLv2 and GNU GPLv3 in regards to how it applies to uncompiled scripting languages.

That being said, both are distribution licenses only, not EULAs (albeit GPLv3 borders on that). You can use the code without obligations if you do not redistribute it in any way. No paying, no attribution, no publishing required on your part.

distribution licenses



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